
- You wanna let me drive?
- No, it's all right. I got it.

Hey, you know, you oughta
invite Maya to the wedding.

Somehow I think
inviting Maya to the wedding...

is not the right move
at this juncture.

I don't know.
In fact,
after all of your shenanigans...

it's gonna be hard for me
to ever go to The Hitching Post again.

You know, there was a nice way
to respond to that.

- Come on. Let me drive.
- No, I got it. You should rest.

You know what? I feel like driving.
Uh... hey, put on your seat belt, okay?
I was just about to.
What's the problem?

- Just want to remind you to be safe.
- We missed the entrance.

What are you doing, Jack?
Hey, hey, hey, hey!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell are you doing?
- Hang on.

What the fuck!
- You said it looked like an accident.
- What the fuck!

I'll pay for it.
Jesus. Christ, Jack!
Oh, for Ch- Look at this!

- Huh.
- Oh.

I don't know.
Doesn't look like anyone
was injured in this one.

No. No.
- Watch your head.
- Yeah.

Boy, you broke a couple of ‘em,
you know.

- Whatever. Sorry.
- No, no, no. It's not "whatever. "

You fuckin' derelict.
You ready?
Just get it over with.
