Silver City

This is a job here.
This is private property.

And ifsomeone who is not authorized
to be here was to get hurt...

it'd be my responsibility.
They're hiding something.
My first husband
was a downhill racer.

Won the bronze at Innsbruck.
He ditched me in, what, '85.
My girlfriend just moved out.
You poor baby.
Took my couch.
You can have this one
ifyou want.

She picked it out.
It was both of ours.

She paid for half ofit.
They called him Hot Rod.

Won the bronze?.
He runs a lodge in Aspen
he got as a settlement.

He sued you for alimony?.
Daddy paid him off so he wouldn't
file adultery charges.

Anything to avoid
another public scandal.

You were adultering?.
Yeah. But so was he.
But he was the one who hired some
fucking investigator to take pictures.

We don't do much ofthat
these days- divorce stuff.

- Transom peeping?.
- Nobody has transoms anymore.

Butyou still peep.
Well, mostly it's on,
you know, computer records.

We have ways to access.
We share information, buy lists-

your credit balance, whereyou travel,
what videos you rent.

That's invasion of privacy.
