Starsky & Hutch

First off, over to my man,
Dancing Rick.

And over to the new guy,
David Starsky.

Folks, pretty close.
I hate to do this...

...but I gotta give it to my man
Dancing Rick.

Boo! Boo!
What?. Hey, hey, do it again!
That's B.S.

-I won. Do the applause thing again!

It was just for fun. Forget it--
-I said, do it again, liar!
-Not cool, not cool!

-Liar! Do it again!
-All right.

Hey, hey, settle down.
Settle down.

I'm a cop. It's cool.
It's okay.
It's okay, it's okay!
Calm down, people.

Bay City P.D.
We got him.

We're gonna get you home.
-Where am l?.
-You were freaking out.

-I had to take you down.

There we go.
Easy does it.
Here we go.
I think I was drugged.
Sounds like you did coke.
I mean, from what I've read
about the effects.

I don't use coke.
I had coffee tonight.

-What is that?.
-Sweetener, right?.

The stuff from Earl?.
What are you doing with this?.

-Where'd you get this?.

-I beat that guy. What was that about?.
-You did.

-You won. You danced your heart out.
-And everybody saw it.

-I was robbed.

I know. We was robbed.
We was robbed.

Go to sleep.
Go to sleep, tiny dancer. All right.
Jesus Christ.
-ls he okay?.
-Oh, yeah, he's okay.
