Stella Street

L've gotta gan burn
Michael Caine's house!

Then I'll systematically burn
every house in Stella Street...

...until it's a mass of twisted metal
and charred timber.

There's been a miscarriage of justice!
They took him off for a bit.
And they put his head in a microwave,
or whatever they do in them places.

He came back and was sort of subdued.
He'd just sit there, talking to daisies.

L thought, "Well, at least he's been... "
He'll never come right...

...they've kind of neutralised him.
Rock 'n' roll is dead.
Lt's over.
Because, incredibly...
...Mick Jagger and Keith Richards
are the owners of this store.

L need a mop, a pack of sponges
and a tin of Stain Devil.

Fancy some cheap fish?
We've got four palettes out back.

I don't come here often.
I just come in for the odd luxury item.

Oh, shit!
They got a lot of stuff,
but a lot of it's old. Look at this.

"October 1991."
That's 11 fucking years old.
L think the idea
of running a corner shop...

...really appealed to me because it gives
me a sense of power in my destiny.

Where are the goddamn
Shreddies, Keith?

L don't know, Jack.
We've got stuff from everywhere.

You've been here a month.
Mick gives me a call and here I am.
Where are we?
Where is this shop, by the way?

- L haven't looked outside yet.
- You gotta take this seriously.

Come on, let's get up to speed Keith.
People come here for things they want.

See things they don't want...
:29:36 them as well
as the things they do want.

- That is retailing.
- You don't change!

Oh, no, here we go again.
L've heard this so many times.

Don't wriggle out of this one.
Your skinny butt's always wriggling.

Whose tongue is it on the logo?
Dean, fix those bloody lights,
or I'll kick your ass!

Mike, it's sorted, all right?
Your famous mates coming tonight?
