Surviving Christmas

Come on. Don't be like that.
You're gonna be like that?
Go ahead. Go.

I'm going to spend Christmas
with my family.

You can spend Christmas alone.
[Drew] Missy.
Kathryn, I need you to get
a Cartier bracelet to send to Missy.

Something expensive,
a lot of diamonds, very flashy.

- lnclude a personal note from me.
- What exactly do you want it to say?

Something personal that shows
the depth of my feelings, my emotions.

- You're good. That's why I hired you.
- Okay, but it's not gonna work.

My man.
Oh, Dougie!
Doogan. Doog-ray.
It's Drew.
Drew Latham.

Yeah. What's up, man?
What are you up?
Ah, nothin', nothin'.

Hey, man,
what're you doing for Christmas?

Family? Nice. Nice call.
Uh, you got room for one more?
Well, I think we are that close.
I love Jewish Christ...
I'll light candles, spin the dreidel.

It'll be great,
a matzo ball soup and baklava.

All right, well, that's Greek.
Fine, whatever. I'm just...

You still there?
I know you have a baby.
I'm just saying, like, you know,

they just lie there
and crap themselves, right?

After a while,
how interesting is that?

No, I'm not saying anything bad.
I'm just sayin'...
