Suzie Gold

Exactly. What Jewish mother's
gonna call her boy Kirk?

They're ashamed. these people.
He was probably born Kichel.

What about his son. Michael? He
marries a Welsh shiksa

-He's got a son called Dylan.
-Dylan Thomas is Jewish?

l read in the Jewish Chronicle that
three out of four young people...

-marry out now.
-Terrible. l blame the parents.

lt's one thing marrying out. but
it's the children l feel sorry for.

They don't know who they are or
where they're going.

lt never works. There's no common
ground. Oil and water don't mix.

But what happens if you fall
in love?

When you fall out of love they're
the first to call you 'Jew'.

Oh. l don't think every non Jew's

Egg and onion.
Babe. drink some wine.
And what makes you so clever?

My family didn't go to the
gas chambers...

just so you could decide to
throw away your heritage.

And what happens when everyone
marries out?

And then there's no Jews left.
And then Hitler's won.
Excuse me.
Are you happy now?
What did l do?
We just found out Danny's going
with a non-Jewish girl.

And. it looks serious.
We don't know what to do.

Leo. That's terrible.
Okay. that's enough.
What is all this talk? lt's Friday
night and we're all here.

That's what matters.
Anyway. who needs
Catherine Zeta-Jones...

when there's beautiful Jewish girls
like this to choose from?

Catherine Zeta-Jones l could
make an exception for.

For a tuchus like that the Chief
Rabbi could make an exception.

Anthony's perfect.
With Mr Perfect back
on the scene...

it seemed Iike the right time
to begin my fabuIous new career.

Suzie Gold.
-Have a nice day.
-Thank you.

Ajob in TVseemed Iike a good
chance to express myseIf...

and grow as a person.
Okay. we got the cancer couple
at 7h45. the band at 7h50...

into the news... what have
we got for the eight-ten?
