The Assassination of Richard Nixon

Sorry, Mr. Bicke.
Mr. Ford should have told you,
but processing takes eight to ten weeks.

No, he did not tell me that.
Perhaps you could check back,
say, September 1.

- September?
- Yes.

I do understand your position.
I'm sure that you deal
with a lot of incompetence.

But I am a businessman...
and a businessman can't wait.
If you gonna have a future,
you gotta make it.

So I would really appreciate it
if I could see Mr. Ford.

What was your first name?
Samuel J.
I will talk to Mr. Ford...
and if he has time for a meeting,
we'll call you next week.

Since I'm here, maybe I could just see him...
If he has time,
we'll call you next week. Deal?

Least you could do is discourage him.
Double bourbon and a vodka martini up.
It would help if you wore your wedding ring.
For God's sake, Sam, aren't we done yet?
Would you consider going to the dinner?
You could drive your own car.

I'm not gonna put on some charade.
If you're their top salesman...

what do they care
if you're married, divorced, or queer?

Sir, you should be ashamed of yourself.
That woman is my wife.

They make her wear that.
