The Day After Tomorrow

What more do you expect?
You have to start thinking about
Iarge-scaIe evacuations right now.

EspeciaIIy in the Northern states.

Have you Iost your mind, HaII?
I have to go.

Mr. Vice President! If we don't act now,
it's going to be too Iate.

Come on, Jack.
-Thanks for bringing us here.
-I couIdn't Iet you Ieave New York. . .

. . .without seeing
the NaturaI History Museum.

Of course not. It's a fine coIIection
of stuffed animaIs.

Hey, guys, check this out.
""The body of this mammoth
was found. . .

. . .perfectIy preserved
in the Siberian tundra. . .

. . .with food stiII in its mouth
and stomach. . .

. . .indicating that it froze instantIy
whiIe grazing. ""

It's been 24 hours now since the snow
started falling across the British Isles...

...and over Northern Europe.
It shows no signs of letting up.

No, no, no.
You've got to stop worrying. No, no.

It's fine. We've got pIenty of suppIies.
We're just snowed in.

Yeah. No, it's aII right. It's aII right.
No, you stay where you are.
I'II be fine.

Yeah, I Iove you too. Okay, bye.
-Hey. How's Jeanette?
-Oh, fine.

The ferry just Ianded.
Must be nice in Spain.
Wish I was there.

An elite RAF search-and-rescue team
has been deployed by helicopter...

... to airlift the royal family to safety.
-Yeah, you think they'II come get us?
-Not IikeIy.

LuckiIy we've got our own genny,
enough tea and biscuits to sink a ship.

Oh, we'II be fine.
As Iong as the Ioo
doesn't back up again.

In Ireland, those remaining
in Belfast and Bambridge...

...have been urged to evacuate
to Dublin as soon as possible.

The north continues to receive
the worst of the storm...

...and conditions in the south
are expected to worsen.
