The Day After Tomorrow

Hey, Sam, guess what?
We got a pIace to stay.
So far, the terrible weather
hasn 't hit D. C...

...but local residents
aren 't taking chances...

:35:17 people stock up for what is already
being billed as...

-... the worst storm season on record.
-Better be sure.

-My ass is on the Iine.
-You saw the modeI.

And I hope to God it's wrong.
-Mr. Vice President.

-You know Professor HaII.
-Yes, we've met.

Professor HaII has some information
I think you shouId Iook at.

We just got these resuIts
from our simuIation modeI.

They expIain what's causing
this weather.

I'II read it Iater. I have to meet
with the director of FEMA--

This is very urgent.
Our cIimate is changing vioIentIy. It wiII
happen over the next six to eight weeks.

You said this wouIdn't happen
for another 1 00 years.

-I was wrong.
-WeII, suppose you're wrong this time.

I wish I were, but you're aware
of what's happening everywhere.

We're making aII the necessary
preparations for this storm.

What more do you expect?
You have to start thinking about
Iarge-scaIe evacuations right now.

EspeciaIIy in the Northern states.

Have you Iost your mind, HaII?
I have to go.

Mr. Vice President! If we don't act now,
it's going to be too Iate.

Come on, Jack.
-Thanks for bringing us here.
-I couIdn't Iet you Ieave New York. . .

. . .without seeing
the NaturaI History Museum.

Of course not. It's a fine coIIection
of stuffed animaIs.

Hey, guys, check this out.
""The body of this mammoth
was found. . .

. . .perfectIy preserved
in the Siberian tundra. . .

. . .with food stiII in its mouth
and stomach. . .

. . .indicating that it froze instantIy
whiIe grazing. ""

It's been 24 hours now since the snow
started falling across the British Isles...

...and over Northern Europe.
It shows no signs of letting up.
