The Day After Tomorrow

Jack, we got the resuIts.
Six to eight months? That can't be.
That time scaIe isn't in months.
It's in weeks.

Widespread flooding has caused
numerous closures...

...including the Lincoln
and Holland Tunnels.

The pIumbing in the schooI
is reaIIy oId.

With this rain,
the sewage got stopped up.

Where are you staying?
They're finding a place for us
with kids here.

You can't get home any sooner
than tomorrow?

WeII, Iook, Dad, I wouId if I couId,
you know. It's just. . . .

This smeII is unbearabIe, Dad.
Stop kidding around! I want you home.
Dad, I'll be on the train.
Do me a favor. Just don't worry
about me. I'II figure it out.

AII right, son. I'II see you tomorrow.
Hey, Sam, guess what?
We got a pIace to stay.
So far, the terrible weather
hasn 't hit D. C...

...but local residents
aren 't taking chances...

:35:17 people stock up for what is already
being billed as...

-... the worst storm season on record.
-Better be sure.

-My ass is on the Iine.
-You saw the modeI.

And I hope to God it's wrong.
-Mr. Vice President.

-You know Professor HaII.
-Yes, we've met.

Professor HaII has some information
I think you shouId Iook at.

We just got these resuIts
from our simuIation modeI.

They expIain what's causing
this weather.

I'II read it Iater. I have to meet
with the director of FEMA--

This is very urgent.
Our cIimate is changing vioIentIy. It wiII
happen over the next six to eight weeks.

You said this wouIdn't happen
for another 1 00 years.

-I was wrong.
-WeII, suppose you're wrong this time.

I wish I were, but you're aware
of what's happening everywhere.

We're making aII the necessary
preparations for this storm.
