The Door in the Floor

No. Ruth should have them.
That's a good idea.

You're full of good
ideas, Eddie.

Wrong cubes.
Jesus, aren't you the optimist?
Forget the light, Eddie.
This story's better in the dark.
What story? You told me you
asked Marion to tell it to you,

but Marion can't handle this story.
Turns her to stone just thinking about it.
Remember, you turned her to stone
just asking her about it.

I remember.
Go on.
Well, here's the deal.
Thomas had his driver's license,
but Timothy did not.

Tommy was 17 and...
been driving for a year.

Timmy was 15. He had only started
to take driving lessons.

lt was Ted's opinion that Timmy,
who was only learning,

was already a more attentive student
than Thomas ever had been.

Timmy studied the driving manual diligently.
He was a more patient driver than Thomas.
Not that Tommy was a bad driver.
Tommy was a good driver.
