The Door in the Floor

I remember.
Go on.
Well, here's the deal.
Thomas had his driver's license,
but Timothy did not.

Tommy was 17 and...
been driving for a year.

Timmy was 15. He had only started
to take driving lessons.

lt was Ted's opinion that Timmy,
who was only learning,

was already a more attentive student
than Thomas ever had been.

Timmy studied the driving manual diligently.
He was a more patient driver than Thomas.
Not that Tommy was a bad driver.
Tommy was a good driver.

He was alert, confident.
He had excellent reflexes.
And he was cynical enough to assume--
as Ted had instructed him--

that every other driver is a bad driver.
Who taught to you drive, Eddie?
Um, my dad.
Well, good for him.
Tell him for me,
he did an excellent job, would you?

Keep-- Keep going.
We were out west, actually,
and it was after a long day of skiing.
