The Door in the Floor

He was alert, confident.
He had excellent reflexes.
And he was cynical enough to assume--
as Ted had instructed him--

that every other driver is a bad driver.
Who taught to you drive, Eddie?
Um, my dad.
Well, good for him.
Tell him for me,
he did an excellent job, would you?

Keep-- Keep going.
We were out west, actually,
and it was after a long day of skiing.

It was snowing--
a wet, thick snow.

At 17 and 15, respectively,
Thomas and Timothy
could ski the pants off their parents.

That day, in fact, Ted and Marion
had retired to the bar at the ski resort...

where they were waiting
for a very long time...

for Thomas and Timothy
to finish their last run...

and the last run after that.
I get the picture.
You were drunk.

Well, that, uh--
that was one aspect
of what would become trivial...

in the... area of the ongoing argument
between Marion and Ted.

l mean, Marion said that Ted was drunk,
although in his view, he wasn't.

Marion, while not drunk, certainly had had
more to drink than she was accustomed to.
