The Final Cut

That's some
of the opening sequence.

The rest needs
some fixes and tweaks.

But right now, he's clocking in
at one hour and 40 minutes.

Yeah, that's cool.
I just wanted to have a look
before the Rememory tomorrow.
You know.
You've done a hell of a job
with him, Mr. Hakman.

You've done
the son of a bitch right.

You're welcome.
I don't suppose...
There was a fishing trip
when we were 13.

Just Danny and I and Dad...
- At the cape.
- Yes, that one.

My God,
that day is still with me.

You requested it specifically.
It's there.

Well, I'll be off, then.
Closing Zoe project
D. Monroe, rough cut 6.

Opening D. Monroe, scene 127-Q.
Jesus Christ !
I told you to shut up !
Danny ! Danny, stop !
You deserve this, bitch !
No ! God ! Please... please...
No ! Stop ! You're killing me !
Scene 127-Q deleted.
EYE Tech introduces
the ninth generation
of the Zoe implant

from our family to yours.
Do you think
we'll be able to afford one ?

I hope so.
Well, we can save.
It's worth it, I think.
