The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

Oh, why isn't it working?
Why are you not coming to life,
my Skeleton? Why?

Have I wronged you in some way?
You're against me, aren't you?
Of course you are.

All skeletons are against me.
They always have been.

Even when I was a child,
I was hated by skeletons.

Stop your blubbering, mortal fool.
Who is it? Who are you?
Show yourself.

Who do you think it is, idiot?
It is I, the Lost Skeleton of Cadavra.

-Then you are alive!
-That is how stupid you are.

Only my skeleton brain lives. The
rest of me is still just lifeless bone.

But there is a way to bring me
completely back to life.

What is it? You have but to say it,
O Skeleton, and I will do it.

There is a radioactive element
known as atmosphereum.

-You must find this and bring it to me.
-I will.

I'll find atmosphereum
and bring it to you.

That's what I just suggested.
When I am brought to life...

...together, you and I
will rule the world together.

But how? How will I find it?
That is for you to know.
That's not my problem. I sleep now.

No. No, tell me where it is.
Skeleton? Skeleton?
Where? Where can
I find this atmosphereum?

That's it, Paul. You've found it.
Yes. This meteor will be the world's
greatest source of atmosphereum.

Look at it glow.
It's almost lulling, in a way.
