The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

There is a radioactive element
known as atmosphereum.

-You must find this and bring it to me.
-I will.

I'll find atmosphereum
and bring it to you.

That's what I just suggested.
When I am brought to life...

...together, you and I
will rule the world together.

But how? How will I find it?
That is for you to know.
That's not my problem. I sleep now.

No. No, tell me where it is.
Skeleton? Skeleton?
Where? Where can
I find this atmosphereum?

That's it, Paul. You've found it.
Yes. This meteor will be the world's
greatest source of atmosphereum.

Look at it glow.
It's almost lulling, in a way.

Careful, don't fall in love
with that stuff.

That atmosphereum can do
some mighty powerful things.

Can I believe the luck?
Atmosphereum under my very nose.
If it were a woman,
it could kiss me.

Hold on, my Skeleton.
For soon you shall have life.
Sweet life.

Is it so hopeless, my Kro-bar?
