The Truth About Love

Go on, Danny.
Look, when all this crap came out,
she went ballistic.
I tried to say it wasn't me, but with
all the pictures in the papers...

Oh, so that's why you went
along with CLiff's story?

So, Dan, what were you doing
that night?

Nothing. I was at home alone
while Miranda was out filming.

What do men look for in a woman?
Delia Smith in the kitchen
and Heidi Fleiss in the bedroom.

I think I'm a bit too Delia
in the bedroom.

Why doesn't Sam
call me and talk dirty?

Because I'm too 'Alice'?
Or maybe...
Maybe what?
Maybe he did know.
Just playing along.

Do you really think so?
But two can play at that game,
can't they?

'Shag Actually'? That's porn.
It's not porn, darling. It's erotica.
'My Best Friend's Spreading'?
No. I thought you meant sex kitten,
not sex monster.

Hey. Maybe I could watch
a couple of those movies with you?

I get off at six.
Who with, your right hand?
Oh, yeah.
'Butt Detective'?
That's you sorted
for the next few nights.

Bollocks! I'm supposed to
be at Archie's!

