The Woodsman

And the thing is,
when Annette's away...

I get horny as hell for other women.
I mean, I fantasize about
fucking some beautiful woman.

You don't have to tell me this.
I know. I'm just sayin' I understand.
It's crazy out there. I mean,
girls wearing mini-this, mini-that...

Sometimes when I walk down the street
and I pass a sexy-looking woman...

she makes me feel
like I'm bothering her.

Hey, I see a pretty lady, I look.
That's the price of beauty, my friend.
You wouldn't believe the things Carla
and her friends are wearin' these days.

- Can I ask you something?
- Sure.

You ever have...
feelings for Carla?
What do you mean?
You know, feelings.
Look, man, I ain't got your sick fuckin'...
Disease? Is that what it is?

Whatever the fuck it is,
I ain't got it.

So if you ever touch
my daughter, I'll kill you.

When I say the word "girl"...
what is the earliest image
you can remember?

When I say the word "pretty,"
when I say the word "pleasure"...

who do you see?
I see my sister.
Where is she?
