
Don't give him the satisfaction, Professor.
This is taking too long. Pick out the equipment
you need and load it into Thunderbird 2.

- No more delays.
- Yes, sir.

(Coughing and spluttering)
- Can you warn us next time you do that?
- Relax, Fermat. It's just a little water.

I could have drowned.
- You mean you can't swim?
- I repeat, I could have drowned.

I said I was sorry, Fermat.
Just put this behind us, OK?

We gotta watch each other's backs.
- Nice drawers.
- Thank you.

No, Tintin, stay there.
You're worse than girls.
Hurry up and get dressed.

Those are nice drawers!
(Fermat) Data from Tracy Island is sent
to Thunderbird 5 via satellite, right?

There's a miniscule possibility that
if we reach the satellite station, we could...

- Blow it up!
- No,

hack in to it and give control back to Thunderbird 5.
Good thinking, Fermat. Let's do it.
Here's the plan. We're here.
We go along the shore
to the access road, here.

Then up to the transmitter. What do you think?
Good. Except that we're here, not there,
and the transmitter is there, not here.

We have to go through the jungle.
But that's f... f... off limits.
- It's gonna be dangerous.
- I'm in.

We gotta get up there fast!
Our folks are in trouble
and if The Hood gets off the island...

He's not going anywhere.
The guidance processor for Thunderbird 2.
He can't take off without it.
