Untergang, Der

Even if an advance is successful...
...I'll end up in another
troublesome situation.

I'd have to stay in the open air
or on a farm...

...and wait for the end.
Wenck is advancing with the 12th army.
He can join the 9th...

...and give the Russians
the final blow.

Wenck's an excellent fellow.
Send a telegram to Keitel:

Immediately report to me the following:
1. Where are Wenck's vanguard located?

2. When will they attack again?
3. Where is the 9th army?
4. Where will the 9th make a breakthrough?

You'll see, gentlemen.
I'll be right.

Wenck will come.
Wenck will come.
I want to know if Wenck
can do anything at all.

It's unlikely that Wenck's
small amount of troops...

What's unlikely about the offensive?
-Wenck can't do anything anymore.

Then why don't you tell the Führer that?
Has everybody gone mad?

Do you think the Führer doesn't know?
He'll never surrender.

And neither will we. I've been
through that once. Never again.

Come along. I have to go.
