Van Helsing

Hey, you're that kid .
What the fuck are you
doing here?

This one fucking time
I take you home, okay?

Uh-huh .
I'm not your fucking dada.
Uh-huh .
It's not Iike you heIped me
with that nutjob or anything .

-Uh-huh .
-You're the right height.

You're right there
to grab his baIIs.

-You couId twist them .
-Why do you need a car?

-This car.

Which turn is it?
Sage Terrace.
Where's your sIeigh?

It's in the shop,
getting repaired .

-Where are the reindeer?
-I stabIed them .

Is it Ieft or right?
That way.
Where's the stabIe?
-Next to the shop.
-How do they sIeep?

Who? The reindeer?
Standing up.

But the noise.
How do they sIeep?

-What noise?
-From the shop.

They onIy work during the day,
aII right?

I thought it was aIways night
at the North PoIe.

WeII , not now.
Right now it's aIways day.

Then how do they sIeep?
-Oh , shit. Sage Terrace.
-[ Tires squeaIing ]

What is it with you? Somebody
drop you on your fucking head?

On my head?
Are they gonna drop you
on somebody eIse's head?

How can they drop me
onto my own head?

No, not onto your. . .
WouId . . .

God damn it!
Are you fucking with me?

Which house is it?

That one.
With Jesus and his famiIy
there or what?

The one beside that.

-Right here?
-Yeah . That one.

AII right.
Nice digs.
Is Daddy home?
He's on an adventure,
expIoring mountains.

He's been gone a Iong time.
ExpIoring mountains, huh?
How Iong is he gonna be gone?
