Walk On Water

"singing along with the radio
"a love song.
"Kiss me strong,
"kiss me till it hurts."
That's it, more or less.
It goes on like that.
Fire at will...
What's up? You're working hard, eh?
Too many female singers.
- What?

Nothing. I'm just...
You're not... Do you have to report
this? Could you just...

It's okay. There's nothing wrong.
It's not that bad. Go home.

Have a nice weekend.
Rest. Don't worry.
- Look, it's a problem.

The guy's in complete denial.
He's been through a trauma.

It might be risky to send him
on such a complicated job.

Are you saying that
just so you can keep him?

I'll be done with him in 2 days.
It's fine with me. You know what?

Check his results
from today's practice.

I bet he wasn't good.
- I don't know.

I can't give him up. He did a terrific
job with Abu-Ibrahim. I need him.

I can insist he sees Rudy.
I'll convince him he's not just
any shrink, but the chief counsellor.

Am I interrupting? - No. Just asking
when you'll be done with this bullshit.

Just a couple of days more.
Menachem, we need to talk.
