What the %23$*! Do We (K)now!?

If you get angry on a daily basis,
if you get frustrated on a daily basis...

if you suffer
on a daily basis...

if you give reason for
the victimization in your life...

you're rewiring and reintegrating
that neural net on a daily basis...

and that neural net now has
a long-term relationship...

with all those other nerve cells
called an ''identity.''

We also know that nerve cells that don't
fire together no longer wire together.

They lose their
long-term relationship...

because every time
we interrupt...

the thought process that produces
a chemical response in the body--

every time we interrupt it, those nerve
cells that are connected to each other...

start breaking
the long-term relationship.

When we start interrupting
and observing...

not by stimulus and response
and that automatic reaction...

but by observing
the effects it takes...

then we are no longer
the body-mind conscious emotional person...

that's responding to its environment
as if it is automatic.

- [ Rock ]
- [ Cheering, Applauding ]

[ Continues, Indistinct ]
[ Man ] Does that mean
emotions are good or emotions are bad?

No, emotions are designed
so that it reinforces chemically...

something into
long-term memory.

That's why we have them.
All emotion is
is holographically imprinted chemicals.

The most sophisticated pharmacy
in the universe is in here.

[ Man ] There's a part of the brain
called the hypothalamus...

and the hypothalamus
is like a little mini factory...

and it is a place that
assembles certain chemicals...

that matches certain emotions
that we experience.

And those particular chemicals
are called 'peptides. ''

They're small-chain
amino acid sequences.
