What the %23$*! Do We (K)now!?

that's responding to its environment
as if it is automatic.

- [ Rock ]
- [ Cheering, Applauding ]

[ Continues, Indistinct ]
[ Man ] Does that mean
emotions are good or emotions are bad?

No, emotions are designed
so that it reinforces chemically...

something into
long-term memory.

That's why we have them.
All emotion is
is holographically imprinted chemicals.

The most sophisticated pharmacy
in the universe is in here.

[ Man ] There's a part of the brain
called the hypothalamus...

and the hypothalamus
is like a little mini factory...

and it is a place that
assembles certain chemicals...

that matches certain emotions
that we experience.

And those particular chemicals
are called 'peptides. ''

They're small-chain
amino acid sequences.

The body's basically
a carbon unit...

that makes about 20 different
amino acids altogether...

to formulate its
physical structure.

The body is
a protein-producing machine.

In the hypothalamus, we take
small-chain proteins called peptides...

and we assemble them into certain
neuropeptides or neurohormones...

that match the emotional states
that we experience on a daily basis.

So there's chemicals for anger,
and there's chemicals for sadness...

and there's chemicals
for victimization.

There's chemicals for lust.
There's a chemical that matches...

every emotional state
that we experience.

And the moment that we experience that
emotional state in our body or in our brain...

that hypothalamus will immediately
assemble the peptide...

and then releases it through the pituitary
into the bloodstream.

The moment it makes it
into the bloodstream...

it finds its way to different centers
or different parts of the body.
