
Just get out now.
Sorry, l just have to take this ...
- Mother ...? What?
- l can't breathe.

- Can't breathe?
- Where are you?

They've stolen the ambulance!

- You want me out?
- Mom, we'll be there fast as possible.

They've stolen the ambulance!

- What's happening? A problem?
- Shut up!

- What about her?
- Fuck her! Come!

You can't leave without me
or else he'll die!

- Come on, god dammit!
- Okay. Jump in.

- What the hell? On the phone?
- lt was Mother.

She can't breathe.
God dammit.
- What the hell are we gonna do?
- The map. Where are we?

We're ... here.
We'll take small roads
down to the boat.

Turn back.
He has to get to the hospital.

Straight ahead.
One kilometer.

His blood pressure is under 1 00.
His heart could stop at any time!

- Are you not listening?
- What now?

Just keep driving straight.
How long will it take
to get to Mom's place?

How should l know
if l don't know where we are?

Look, there's a sign.
Look ... Look at this.
This is a human being.

- Don't look at it.
- See here ... See here!

Today's his birthday.
The whole family was there.

He was opening presents
and he collapsed.

There they are again.
How the hell
can those cops do it?

A GPS ...
There must be a GPS somewhere.

- GPS?
- The cops can find us if we have one.

Find it!
Look around the radio. Break it open.
You'd think l had a GPS up my ass.
