Cry Wolf

The senile drunk,
is sending a limo
to take us all...

to the lake house
on Friday.

Nobody ever stays here
on the weekends.

You in?
Yeah, sure.

I'm not going to be able
to make it, I got plans.

By plans you mean
herpes, right?

Actually, by plans,
I mean I'm going...

to State tomorrow
to see the sweet Jenny Ryder.

It's Wednesday.
I know.

And I'm declaring my own
"Randall Gets Laid"
Holiday Weekend.

And I'm going to punch
Miss Ryder's v card...

Thank you.

Can I borrow your car?
Yeah, man.
Yeah, just, you know,
leave the keys
on the tire and...

don't get any blood
on the back seat.

I wouldn't dream of it.
Actually, I would like this
to be special, you know.

Like, in the middle
of the woods,
up against a tree.

You're a pig.
You're a dyke.

Die a violent death.
Yeah well,
if that's your technique...

I weep for Jenny Ryder.
I bet you do.

So are we going
to play the game
before the weekend?

Not sure I want to.
Well, what else
are we going to do
around here, study?

Owen had a decent point
last night.

About us knowing each other
too well.

It's so incestuous.
So you just want to stop?
Because of the new guy.

Thank you.
Not necessarily.

Well then, what?
We'll play
with the whole school.

They're the sheep,
and we're the wolves.

I don't think they'll all fit
in the chapel.

Let me ask you a question.
What's the best way
to play the game?

Lie your ass off.
Defend your honor.

Accuse your neighbor.
Nobody knows
who killed that girl.

So why don't we
make an accusation?
So what are you suggesting?

Let's convince them
the murderer is on campus.

And he's just getting

All right.
