Dust to Glory

You smell the ocean breeze,
you hear the birds.

You hear the whales,
you hear the seals.

I think Baja gives you
that opportunity to feel that,

to get closer to something
that's more instinctual.

It's difficult to put into words
because it's an emotion.

That's what Baja is,
something you feel.

What do you call a race where
anybody with any vehicle can enter.

A race where 200.000 spectators
come but no one pays admission.

A race that takes 32 hours
for 1.200 people

to battle 1.000 merciless miles
for a million different reasons?

Call it the Tecate Score Baja 1000.
Someone asked Parnelli Jones,
and he said it's like being
in a 24-hour plane crash.

'Cause the 1000,
so much can go on.

Think about what happens,
you know, in the Daytona 500.

And they're going
around a smooth track,

and the pit's
in the same spot every time.

You know, we got
buses and cows and horses and...

Mountains and beaches and deserts.
You're in dust, you're in rocks.
It's gullies, it's washouts,
it's 100 miles an hour, 20 miles an hour.

So many roads out there,
and little ranches here and there.

Every one of these jumps,
every one of these turns

is different than the last one.
Tell you what,
you don't fall asleep here.

I lived it, I ate it, I slept it,
and I can totally understand

when other people
get caught up in the mystique of it,

trying to beat time itself
and get to the finish line.

It's an unreal feeling.
