Ethan Mao

I don't know you
Well, I'm not a wicked stepmom
I was an actress
My mom was an actress
If I hadn't devoted my life
to my son...

I would have been
the next Meryl Streep

How're you doing?
Just fine, darling
Mom's going to help me
Noel, why don't you go play
video games with Remigio?

You know I hate video games
Noel, just go. I'll stay here
I owe you
Wow, you guys have
so many cool games

You don't like to
play video games?

They're all Josh's
So what do you like to do?
I like novels and movies
What are you reading now?
A few books at a time
One is Frankenstein

Hey, Ethan, can I call Vicky?
I promised to call her today
Hey, Vicks. It's me
Just calling to say hi and
hope you're having
a good Thanksgiving
