Ethan Mao

I owe you
Wow, you guys have
so many cool games

You don't like to
play video games?

They're all Josh's
So what do you like to do?
I like novels and movies
What are you reading now?
A few books at a time
One is Frankenstein

Hey, Ethan, can I call Vicky?
I promised to call her today
Hey, Vicks. It's me
Just calling to say hi and
hope you're having
a good Thanksgiving

Give me a call back
when you get a chance

I'll talk to you later. Okay, bye
I thought you and Vicky broke up
I mean she's so far away
You need a girlfriend here
Besides I think you can do
much better than her

It's Vicky!
Go ahead
Hello, how're you doing, baby?
I'm cool, just hanging with
my folks right now

We cancelled the trip and
decided to stay home

So... you're having a good
Thanksgiving with your aunt?

Cool. Well I just call
to say I love you

Okay, I'll talk to you later
Bye. Thanks
