Habana Blues

l started at this theater
as an errand boy.

Then I was doorman,
then usher...

After the Revolution triumphed,
they made me manager.

Never in my wiIdest dreams
could I have imagined.

l had to learn, so I did.
AlI the big names of Cuba
have been through here.

My grandmotherdebuted here
when she was 16.

Luz Maria Ferrer!
Then she's the one
who caIled you?

She said you were
good musicians.

That you needed a hand
for your debut concert.

You said on the phone the government
handles the sound system.

I was about to mention that.
They denied our request.
They say the event
isn't in the pubIic interest.

What the helI do they know!
Sorry, comrade.

-Don't worry, I agree with you.
-What did you telI them?

Thatthe concert was on.
l'lI take care ofit.

Not withouta sound system.
JuIio, ourtechnician,
fixed our system.
And he Ioaned us two mikes.
Try them.
Thanks, but we need a good system.
This concert means a lot to us.

With a fuII house...
Think you'lI filI it?
We hope so.
We may be unknown,

-but we have a foIlowing.
-To see it full one last time...

One Iast time?
The city architects
want to cIose it.

They're afraid it'Il colIapse.
Follow me.
You can rehearse in here
for the time being.

That is, if you've got
nothing better.

Anything's betterthan nothing.
Then search no more.
l'lI clean it up for you

and it'Il be perfect.
-How about it?
-Bro, we're broke.

How can we afford the system?
We'lI think of something.
When new sounds reach the island,
one of our own

always finds a way to add
a llttle Caribbean flavor.
