Habana Blues

Listen to X-Alfonso's new song
and see what I mean.
Be good, and don't wait tiIl
tomorrow if you can be happytoday.

Our big concert's next month,
Saturdaythe 28th. And of course,

-you're the host.
-I'm honored, gentIemen.

-And promoter.
-Leave it to me.

AII of Havana wiII know.
ls that my demo?

It's hot.
Chen, rememberwe're taping
next week's showtomorrow.

-That's complicated. Bye.

"Doing the Havana," the 2nd track,
wiIl be a hit. When'lI they play it?

l don't decide the pIay list.
-Shit, Rober!
-You guys have nothing to Iose.

This job is aIl I've got.
Here, a gift.
This couId get me into trouble.
I'Il see what I can do.

Wait, wait!
l heard there are Spanish producers
here scouting Cuban talent.

-Those are rumors.
-Come on.

You've asked every musician
in town fora demo.

Relax, my friends.
It's a surprise.

-Not any more!
-It's a rough project...

The Spaniards have arrived.
You see? The surprise is here.
Just in time. Gentlemen, if you'Il
excuse me, I have an engagement.

More smaIl-timers, maybe.
She's gota big-time resume.

She produced all the best rock
groups in Spain in the 90's.

Her record labeI is smalI
but the media corporation behind it

has a share of the U.S. market.
-Where did you meet them?
-Her at Cuba Disco last year.

I pitched hera project
with underground groups...

-Like us!
-A record, a tour in Spain...

lntroduce me. I want to be
discovered before I'm 90.

We've got to meet them.
Okay, sIow down.
There's no rush.

This is my territory,
don't meddIe.

-l know you.

-You don'ttrust us?
-l trust no one.
