Habana Blues

PeopIe always ask me for heIp
and then Ieave me out in the coId.

I gotta run my own show.
ReIax, we won'tgive you
any troubIe.

HoIy shit.
It's the director.

l thought it was odd he was Iate.
He smelIs them coming.

-Introduce us.

We have an important meeting.
There's a cocktail party
at the Music Institute later.

-You can meetthem there.
-You're the man!

l'lI take a chance on you.
Don't screw it up, okay?
Now get Iost.
My boss hates hippies.

-The feeIing's mutuaI.
-Fuck off!

Can I have a cigarette?
Give me a cigarette.
Come on, do it!

It'Il mean a Iot
to Cuban cuIture...

She smiIed.
With your face and my dick
you couId ruIe

-Don't be crude, you're an artist.

That's not why I'm weIl endowed.
And cIueIess.
Why do you say clueless?

How much?
But for you,
Okay. Give me a second.
Your daughter's waiting for you
to fix her bike.

Caridad, I can't.
I'm late.

You start work at 10:30.
Yeah, but we have to meet
some Spanish producers first.

Have you got 10 dolIars on you?
-l've got five.

-Take itanyway.
-No, keep it.

I can onIy give you 15.
I'Il pay you the resttomorrow.

Honey, I trust you.
But this time I can't do it.

Take a pairof
the necklaces I make.

I selI them for 15 doIIars a pair.
You'Il double your money.

Hey, Chino.
You shouId get rid of that meat.
-Caridad, teIephone!

Hey, go get the phone.
