Habana Blues

-At my pIace.
-Your pIace?

We want to interview Tito,
Ruy, alI the musicians.

What a musician!
Where's your suitcase?
The plane's taking off, baby!

Be cool until we sign.
It's a free ride.

lf they get me out of here,
l'lI pay my own way.

To the Spanish sIaves!
Finally, bro!
What happened?

Double the work, man.
Don't worry, in a month we'lI be
in Spain making 20 times as much.

-Where's the kitchen?
-That way.

HoId on,
careful in the kitchen...

-Where's Caridad?
-ln Camaguey with hercousins.

l knew she must be away.
With a big round beIly.
Give me two gIasses.
Hey, I don't work here.
If this trip works out,
Caridad shouId start fresh.
Her mom wants her
to go to Miami.

-Even better.

She shouldn't be aIlowed
to separate me from my kids.

l thoughtyou were Ieaving.
-I'Il come back.

She can't raise them here aIone.
I'd send her money.
Spain is a question mark.
And you go through money Iike water.

Daddy, I'm going to bed.
-Yeah, IittIe man.
-Daddy, I'm sleepy.

Good night.
Thanks, CeIeste.
-Save me a drink.

-So now we sign a contract, right?
-Of course.

WiIl they pay us weIl?
I don't know aboutthat.
That's up to the boss.

I hope so.
Yeah, but generalIy...
Enough smaIItalk.
Get to the point.

We need to rent a sound system and
some instruments for ourconcert.
