Habana Blues

We're completely broke.
We need money up front.
400 doIIars.
400 doIIars? That's nothing.
IfMarta doesn't help you out,

-I wilI.
-You're the man!

When Marta gets back from Miami
we'lI sign the contracts.

You see? You guys really know
how to do business.

-"Tito's bar special."
-Right on.

What's she got in Miami?
Business, man, business.
Miami's the key
to the Latin market.

There are people there
interested in our project.

Those people aren't
interested in us.

My friend, when there's
money to be made,

people onIy see one coIor.
You dig?

Yeah. "Doing the Havana."
Are those drinks ready?
Right here, my love.
For you.

Anything else?
Start making another.
They're pretty.
Who makes them?

Caridad, the mother
of my children.

"My wife" is easier.
We're getting separated.
-But you sIeep in the same bed.
-So the kids won't know.

She's either dumb
orvery in Iove.

Caridad ain't dumb.
-I'm looking to move out.
-You don't seem to be

-Iooking very hard.
-It's not easy in this country.

When I find something
we'lI teIl the kids

-about the divorce.
-I think your search is over.

When I get back we sign the contract
and in a couple weeks

we fIy to Madrid.
Thatsounds awesome.
What about in the meantime?

Keep rehearsing.
Help Lorenzo handle things.
Warn those who can't keep up
that they'Il be Ieft behind.

No one's spot is safe.
You foIlow?

I folIow.
Turn around.
