Habana Blues

I don't know aboutthat.
Your kids are excited
about the concert.

They want 20 tickets
for theirfriends.

-Get them at Ieast ten.
-There is no concert.

Do what you want,
but after aIl you've put into it

I think it's pretty stupid.
It's not just the concert.
When I write a song it's Iike
he knows what I'm Iooking for.

You understand?
l understand perfectly.
But you're on your own now.

Orwill you quit music?
Deal with it.
This is what life is about.

Everyone foIlows theirown path.
You without him,

and me without you.
TaIk to him.
He's probably over it by now.

He'll have changed his mind.
-I'Il go with you.
-His mind won't change.

Tito, enough screwing around.
I'Il forget about
what happened with Lorenzo.

Just convince him.
It's your only chance to Ieave.
It's up to you.

You're wrong, Marta.
Without me,
there's no project.

l'lI report alI of you.
I have nothing Ieft to lose.
You'II screw everyone.
lfI don't go, no one does.
Nothing will happen to them.

-But you'd be screwed.
-You wouIdn't.

I wouIdn't? Try me.
Are you nuts?
Comrade manager!
TeIl me, EstreIlita.
Ourfriend's here
about the concert.

You're just in time.
Don't move, stay right there.
I have a surprise for you.

Julio, kiII the lights!
It's no big deaI,
-but we tried.

Comrade manager had to fight with
haIf the Ministry of Culture.

-If it were me,
