Habana Blues

Just convince him.
It's your only chance to Ieave.
It's up to you.

You're wrong, Marta.
Without me,
there's no project.

l'lI report alI of you.
I have nothing Ieft to lose.
You'II screw everyone.
lfI don't go, no one does.
Nothing will happen to them.

-But you'd be screwed.
-You wouIdn't.

I wouIdn't? Try me.
Are you nuts?
Comrade manager!
TeIl me, EstreIlita.
Ourfriend's here
about the concert.

You're just in time.
Don't move, stay right there.
I have a surprise for you.

Julio, kiII the lights!
It's no big deaI,
-but we tried.

Comrade manager had to fight with
haIf the Ministry of Culture.

-If it were me,

l'd have cIosed the theater.
Let the damn thing colIapse

-if they won't fix it.

Do it right
or don't do itat aIl.

WelI? What do you think?
Pretty, isn't it?
It looks really great.
But come down here, René.
l have something important

-to discuss.
-Of course.

-There's one more thing.
-That's right, I aImost forgot.

I have anothersurprise.
l'd rathertalk to you first.
Just fora second, boy.
JuIio, dim the stage Iights!
Do it, Julio!
The best spotlight
in alI of Cuba.

ThisJuIio's a genius.
You know the last time
that equipment was used?

Five years ago.
And there it is, alI yours.

It's so wonderful up here.
Just imagine it with a crowd.
