Into the Blue

You wanna search me?
Here, go ahead.

We're out of here.
Salt water converts silver
into silver sulfide...

...and electrolytic reduction
reverses the process.

Whatever, bro. Just hurry up
and turn it back into treasure.

It's an old cap-and-ball.
That's a old-school gun right there.

- Let me see that.
- See the hammer, the trigger?

What is this..? These markings?
Give it to the Mexican.
What does that say?

You're such an ass.
- That's not Spanish.
- Let me see it.

Oh, it's Latin. "Sic semper tyrannis."
"Thus always a tyrant."
What? Catholic boarding school.
So, what, it's a Roman ship?
Seventeenth-century Indian dagger?
I don't think so.

No, this is an American ship.
Here it is, right here.
"Sic semper tyrannis:
Thus ever to tyrants."

You were close.
"The motto of Virginia...

...said to have been shouted
by John Wilkes Booth...

...after he had assassinated
Abraham Lincoln in 1865."

Jared. Check this out.
Doesn't that look like a map
of New Providence?

- That's this island, right?
- Yeah.

Silver powder horn.
- Silver horn and two silver guns.
- What?

"Later they confirmed it was
the slave-pirate...

:34:34 the silver horn and two
silver guns he was never without."

And this was his, right here.
- Whose?
- Tillman Thorp's.

- The runaway slave turned pirate.
- He was crazy. He ran the Everglades.

He and his crew were gnarly.
They ate alligators, drank lead...

...pissed musket balls, gave the
Confederates hell. It was like revenge.

He just worked them.
So this is Snoop Dogg Silver.
These are the homies
over here, chilling.

- Look at that guy drinking a 40.
- Chilling?
