Le Temps qui reste

Why do you say that?
I don't feel like taking her kids' picture.
Romain, please.
Leave it, dad.

You want to know why I don't feel like it?
they are your things, they belong to you.
I would have seen your face in them.
Just thinking about it I feel like puking.

Romain. stop it!
Not surprising your man left you,
I understand him.

You give him no space,
feels like you made the kids on your own.

Stop it.

Romain, you stop it too.
She's mad!

That's too much, Romain!
Why do you talk to her that way?
She's not well, she's fragile.

I'm fragile too
What's wrong with you?
Drive me home please; I'm drunk.
I broke my spectacles.
it's ok, calm down...
Are things ok with Sacha?
Normally, neither good nor bad.
We're gonna split.
Shit! Why?
Like all couples, passion dies,
routine takes over...

Does he still live with you?
He's out of work, no money.
If he needs a place,
tell him about your aunt's spare room.
It will be cheap.

Ok, thanks.
