Memoirs of a Geisha

Where is Nobu-san?

He won't be coming.
Is something wrong?

He knows what happened.
It is not in his nature to forgive.

Chairman, what happened on the island...
Please, you do not have to explain.
But I have shamed myself so deeply…

… past all forgiveness.
No, I am the one who must be forgiven.

I do not understand.
Perhaps if you had only known the truth.

The truth?
Some years ago, I was on my way to the
theatre, I saw a little girl weeping by the Sunagawa,

I stopped to buy her a cup of sweet ice.
You knew I was that little girl?

Didn't you ever wonder why Mameha
took you under her wing?

Mameha came to me because of you.
I wish you could have told me long ago.
What could I do?
I owe Nobu my life.

And so, when I saw he had a chance at happiness with you, I stood silent.
