Must Love Dogs

-Yes, l am,
-Me too,

Tell me, l'm just curious
about one thing,

Why did you write ''voluptuous''?
-Oh, my--
-No! l did not mean to be rude at all,

lt's just that voluptuous,
that tends to go the other way,,,

,,,when someone uses that phrase,
Towards the full-figured end
of the spectrum,

l didn't know there was
a full-figured spectrum,

lt's one of those words
they use in personal ads,,,

,,,like ''Rubenesque''
or ''weight proportionate to height,''

Hey, it's your ad, You can say
whatever you want, l'm,,,,

Just for the record, girl says ''athletic,''
she means ''flat-chested,'' Which you're not,

But-- This isn't coming out right,
Look, you know, l'm sorry,
l'm,,,, l'm a little nervous, l'm not used
to meeting people this way,

Really? You seem very practiced
and smooth,

-Your ad doesn't do you justice,
-Well, maybe you should rewrite my ad,

-Well, maybe l don't want to,
-And why not?

Because maybe l don't want
anyone else to answer it,

Did you plan on saying
that sometime today?

-No, l didn't, But it's good, isn't it?
-lt is good,

-lt's a good line,
-Maybe we should try this over again,

Hi, l'm Jake,
So why would you even write an ad?
You don't seem that desperate,

Why would you answer one?
Talk about desperate,

l'm not, l mean, l didn't,
lt was my friend's, He gave it to me,

-l didn't write it, My sister did,
-Your sister's ad,

Your brother's dog,
Those your shoes?

Oh, my, Look at the time!
Come on, honey,

What l'm trying to say is
l'd like to get to know you,

l have to get this dog home, and you
don't want to go over on your rental,

Maybe we could try this another time,
You know, without the dogs,

You bet,
l'll call you,
Sarah, for the record,,,
,,,you are kind of voluptuous
in a minimalist sort of way,
