
-we're going to the cinema.
-The cinema?

Yes, the cinema,
to see a movie.

A blue one.
No, it's not blue, it's Russian.
A Russian movie.

I don't know...
Listen, in Murcia can you go and see
"The Childhood of Gorky"

or "Ballad of a Soldier"?
What more do you want?
You're in Paris and you can see them.

Yes, but going to see a Russian film
on my first night in Paris is a bit...

The cinema is just a few doors away.
And then you can go to bed.

I think it's the best idea
after the journey.

I was expecting something else.
I didn't think you were so awkward.
You don't like the house,
you don't like Lenin,

you don't like the cinema.
Why have you come to Paris?

To see Paris,
not to sit in a cinema.

We could go for a walk,
have a few drinks,

go to a cabaret,
a good restaurant.

I'm dying to taste French cooking.
But French cooking
costs a fortune in Paris!

-I'll treat you.

because then I'll have to treat you.
Everyone pays for himself and
if there are three of us we go Dutch.

There a "snack" here we can go to.
A what?
It's like a bar.
We can have a beer and a sandwich.

Then you can go to bed.
-Why do you keep saying that?
-Because you don't look well.

-It's because of the journey.

but you don't look well.
What if we take the boat
that goes on the Seine?

-Le bateau-mouche?

Une promenade sur la Seine?
-Yes, what do you think?
-That's silly, Andres.

And it's very expensive.
The champagne is compulsory,
like in the cabarets.

No, forget the bateau-mouche.
Au revoir.
-Au revoir, Mr. Pierre.
