No Direction Home: Bob Dylan

The electric half: silence, booing.
At least 15, 20 kids ran on the stage
through the whole electric set.

There would be somebody,
two, three times during a number...

actually jumping on the stage
and running around amongst the musicians.

And an incredible animosity in the audience.
I think it was the only concert
I have ever been at where...

that animosity was that strong
and you actually felt a little threatened...

if you applauded during this, which I did.
When we played Forest Hills,
Like a Rolling Stone was number one.

And so when we played
Like a Rolling Stone...

they stopped booing and sang along.
And then when we finished
they started booing again.

I thought that was great.
I enjoyed that.
But at the party after the show...

Bob came running up to us
and gave us big hugs, he said:

"That was fabulous. It was great.
It was like a carnival. "

It was fantastic. He really enjoyed the show.
The booing didn't really, you know...
I had a perspective on the booing.

Because you got to realize
you can kill somebody with kindness, too.

God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe said, "Man, you must be putting me on"
God say, "No" Abe say, "What?"
God say,
"You can do what you want, Abe, but

"Next time you see me coming
you better run"

Well, Abe says,
"Where do you want this killing done?"

God says, "Out on Highway 61"
I walked in the studio
and he was out there in a corner...

and I walked up and I said,
"Bob, I'm Bob Johnston".

He said, "How you doing?"
And he smiled at me.

All I remember is Dylan doing that
and starting in...

and from that moment,
I really have no memory.

Nobody ever counted off for Dylan...
he always did what the fuck he wanted to.
And I always just got the sound pretty well.
And he seemed to love the sound.
