On a Clear Day

he"d have beat the hell out of me.
But l loved him.
l"ve never hit Rob.
Ever. Not once.
We never can find two words
to say to each other.

Seems like everything"s backwards.
FRANK: That's us.
CHAN: Frank, you need to buiId up
your stamina so we need to go for a big one.

CHAN: 1 5 miIes, OK?

CHAN: Have you been for a medicaI.
FRANK: Yeah, I got the aII-cIear.

Why don"t we just take a chance
and go down to Dover?

lt"s a long way to go if we don"t find somebody.
You said yourself,
if we don"t find a pilot, you can"t swim.

OK. OK. l"ll go there later this week.
l"ll come for the ride.
Get a saver, should be cheap enough.

Take Danny, too.
Make sure he brings his water wings this time.

lt said ""apply thickly"".
EDDlE: Maybe we overdid it.
- l"m sorry.
- Oh!

Was it the lorry?
But he swerved first. Lunatic!
Mrs Redmond, you need to be more...
l"ll let you go one more time.

Right, l"ve just had a word with the barmaid.
Apparently there is a guy that can do it.
Goes by the name of Mad Bob.
Mad Bob?
He doesn"t sound normal.
He sounds frigging nuts. ls he here?
