Paha maa

Do you love her? - Yes.
That's good.
The kid coming and all.

Is it a boy or a girl?
- Too early to tell.

The main thing
is the baby's health.

Does it make any sense -
to bring babies
into a world like this?

Nice cake. - A special offer.
German. Paid for it in euros.
The end is near. - I guess.
Don't worry so much. - No.
I'm trying to talk to you.

But you look worried.
- If you would only listen to me.

It's about your family.
- You don't know my parents.

The way things are going, I
never will. - This is my call.

If something goes wrong, -
I don't want you to
know anything. - OK.

I'm not going to hurt anyone.
I get the feeling
you're trying to back off.

Things are different now.
You're pregnant.
