Paha maa

The end is near. - I guess.
Don't worry so much. - No.
I'm trying to talk to you.

But you look worried.
- If you would only listen to me.

It's about your family.
- You don't know my parents.

The way things are going, I
never will. - This is my call.

If something goes wrong, -
I don't want you to
know anything. - OK.

I'm not going to hurt anyone.
I get the feeling
you're trying to back off.

Things are different now.
You're pregnant.

Come right in.
Here's my dad's access
card and the keys.

Did you find what we need?
Yes. More than I expected.
Control camera angles
and all kinds of stuff.

I think it's a girl.
How can you tell?
- It's just how I feel
