Pretty Persuasion

I like this music.
Can you buy the soundtrack to pornos?

"Tiffany Minx, Stephanie Swift."
Brittany, a lot of these porn stars
have names that sound like ours.

So if we wanted to, when we grow up,
we could be porn stars.

- You couldn't, Randa, I'm sorry.
- That is quite all right.

I would never want to be a porn star.
My sister's ex-boyfriend,
he lives in the Valley...

he used to go out with one.
You know what they did?

They took the fat out of her butt
and her arms, and they put it in her boobs.

How is it, please, that two men...
at one time...
How can this be?
One of them is doing her up the butt.
Up the...
Such a thing is not possible.
It is too small, the aperture.
Kimberly, would you let someone
do that to you?

I have.
- No, way!
- Yes, way.

- You're such a liar. Who?
- Warren.

- Warren Prescott?
- Affirmative.

When? How?
Last year. We were sort of going out.
We were here, kind of getting drunk
on my dad's Captain Morgan...

and he just kind of came right out
and said...

We've been going out for three months now,
and I really love you, and everything.

So I was wondering
if you might let me pack your fudge chute.

At first I thought
he wanted to make sundaes...

but then he elaborated.
He was very polite about it.
He said please three times.
I couldn't really bring myself to say no.

Well, what was it like?
It was okay.
Did it hurt?
Kind of.
