Qian li zou dan qi

Yang Yang's mom died aweek ago.
He has no otherfamilyto care for him.
The villagers are taking care of him now.
The village chief said...
the boy is now being raised by everyone...
in this village.
That's right.
Li was told about this.
That's why he broke down in prison.
This was the reason.
We knowwhyyou have come here.
Our committee has already made its decision...
I cannot give you the details straight away.
Why not?
Before I explain...
I must clarify some things.
Please translate what I say.
Of course I will.
He's my client.
Please continue.
I want to say two things.
Yang Yang is Li's son...
born outside of wedlock...
but we all accept that.
We all agree.
This is the first point.
"After 8 years, Li has now decided to claim his son."
We don't have a problem with this.
You'd bettertranslate now.
"Why don't you simply say ""yes"" or ""no""?"
So I can give him an answer now.
"Yes or ""no""? "
You haven't translated a single word to him.
You should translate everything I've said.
You should make yourself clear before I do.
I doubt you speak any Japanese.
Ridiculous. Of course I do.
