Qian li zou dan qi

I must clarify some things.
Please translate what I say.
Of course I will.
He's my client.
Please continue.
I want to say two things.
Yang Yang is Li's son...
born outside of wedlock...
but we all accept that.
We all agree.
This is the first point.
"After 8 years, Li has now decided to claim his son."
We don't have a problem with this.
You'd bettertranslate now.
"Why don't you simply say ""yes"" or ""no""?"
So I can give him an answer now.
"Yes or ""no""? "
You haven't translated a single word to him.
You should translate everything I've said.
You should make yourself clear before I do.
I doubt you speak any Japanese.
Ridiculous. Of course I do.
This loud discussion is going on for a long time.
I suddenlyfeel like an outsider.
I realize...
in aforeign language environment...
you can feel very isolated.
I'm slowly...
beginning to understand...
why Ken-ichi often visits here.
You're supposed to be atranslator.
I wouldn't need you if I spoke Japanese.
I know howto translate.
I beg to differ on that.
No signal.
There's no signal here.
I knowwhere you can get one.
He's calling atranslator.
Let's go outside.
