Salaam Namaste

Then why..?
Because l love you.
And maybe l want the right
to have a say in your life..

and l want to give you that right too.
Do you still think
we don't know each other ?

Why are we afraid of giving
this relationship a name, Nick ?

Amby, listen to me.
This will complicate everything.

Please don't ruin this.
You've just been
through a major trauma.

l know this was not easy for you.
Just let it be for a few days and..
l didn't get the aborion done.
What ?
And then l saw the hands
and the beating of the hear.

lt was a life Nick..
living inside that woman,
a life now inside me.

l can't destroy it.
What the.. listen to yourself.
What are you saying ?
You have a life !

Your studies, your work, us damn it !
You want to give it all up
just for the sake of a child ?

No Nick. l didn't want this.
l'm scared too.

But l can't kill it.
The word is aborion !
Amby, listen to me.
You're ruining both our lives.
Please, don't do this.
l need time to think this over.
This is not just your decision
you know. lt's my life as well.

And l don't want this kid.
l know.
And this doesn't make
any difference to you ?

Nick, do you love me ?
What difference does it make, Ambar ?
What difference does it make how much
l love you and how much you love me !

l can't give you the proof that
you're asking for.

l don't want to get married.
l don't want this kid.
No matter how many times you ask me,
nothing's going to change.

You're right.
We still haven't understood each other.
Yes ! We're far from understanding !
Because l thought..
