Sin City

I tried to fall in love with boys
I thought I did once or twice
But I was already in love... with you
That's enough. Jesus Christ. I'm old enough to be your grandfather
-You're just scared
-I'm not scared

There's wrong and there's wrong and then there's this
For God's sakes, you're just a kid
I love you
I love you, too
with all my heart
Cold shower. It helps
No, Nancy
Recognize my voice, Hartigan?
Recognize my voice, you piece of shit cop?
I look different, but I bet you can recognize my voice
Sure, I recognize your voice, Junior
Everything's going straight to hell
I've been suckered into betraying the only friend I got
And put her in the hands of a murdering rapist I thought I put down for good
Suckered by a spoiled brat, son of a senator
It's all gone to hell
Klump. It's me
I got a dead man needs to be fetched
